Hope you’re cool with spinning Confident for at least another year, Lovatics, because Demi Lovato says she’s taking an extended break from music.

In the wake of her controversial Glamour interview — which made headlines for her unflattering, anti-squad comments about Taylor Swift — Lovato has announced she’s taking a break from the spotlight in 2017. Responding to a fan, the 24-year-old admitted “it doesn’t feel worth it anymore.”

Lovato definitely seems to be serious about the hiatus — she later told a fan on Instagram that if she does a sixth album (emphasis on “if”), it wouldn’t come out until 2018.

Lovato’s plans aren’t totally new — they actually echo what she told a fan during an impromptu Twitter Q&A yesterday (October 3). At the time, she said she has no new music dropping soon, and that she wants to take time off to do charity work.

This morning, just before announcing her 2017 hiatus, Lovato defended herself against the backlash from her Glamour interview, tweeting, “I get asked questions. I answer them. Sue me… Also don’t forget that words can be taken out of context when doing interviews.. still not apologizing for saying what everyone want to say.” She later added, “I don’t understand why people care so much about what I say in interviews? Do y’all watch the news? Don’t y’all got shit to worry about?”

Whether or not Lovato will stick to her plans remains to be seen (remember when she said she was quitting Twitter only to return a day later?), but hopefully she returns with a clearer and happier head… whenever that is.


Via www.mtv.com

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